Inthirani’s passion to serve and empower vulnerable populations began at age nine while caring for her blind diabetic mother who suffered from mental health issues. Through the Grace of God, Inthirani’s mother’s life was saved after many life-threatening medical emergencies. With sentiments and devotion, she discovered her purpose for increasing longevity for humankind. Founder of SoulPath Discovery Inc., six-time Author and Chapter President for the Vancouver Women of Global Change Inthirani devotes her time to her own growth through self-assessment so she can serve with an impact and outcome. She graduated with distinction from Dale Carnegie’s public speaking and human relations training.
With a deep yearning to serve from Divine guidance, she was destined to meet Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, an Enlightened Spiritual Master and Divinely-gifted Being. After a few Divine Energy Blessings from Him, she experienced a deep sense of calm, heightened awareness, increased energy, and better sleep.
Through her association with Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, Inthirani also had the opportunity to participate in preclinical cell-based and mouse model science experiments that validated her own Life Force energy healing ability / Biofield energy healing ability / prayer to God / ability to harness God's Grace / Divine energy blessing.
DISCLAIMER: Inthirani Arul has not done any clinical trial that suggests any kind of results or benefits related to human health. No human health-related benefits have been scientifically validated, and Inthirani Arul does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits.
Inthirani Arul discovered her passion for serving and helping people at a young age. She was born a natural healer with gifts of sensitivity, empathy, compassion, and perseverance. From a very early age, she was nurtured to be responsible, alert, and to see opportunities, and stepped into the role of being a caregiver for her blind mother who suffered from mental health issues.
She finds her greatest joy and fulfillment while empowering, uplifting, and improving the quality of life of those she works with and cares for especially orphans and the vulnerable populations. Over the past 34 years, she has developed her skills as a Community Living Counsellor and for 19 of those years as an Art Facilitator in a pottery studio where she empowers special needs artists to create and market their creations to the public.

With her own vision impairment and experiences, Inthirani understands loss and what it feels like to struggle with anxiety, low self-esteem and severe physical pain. This is the reason why she’s on a mission to harness the powerful Life Force energy and help people transform all aspects of their lives and lead the most flourishing life.
“During September 2011, I started yearning to gain clarity on the purpose of my life in this world and through my devotion and Divine guidance I realized that I had a greater purpose to fulfill and serve for the well-being of humanity. It was then that I embarked on the quest to continue my journey of self-discovery. I read, took numerous trainings, courses, workshops and consulted human potential leaders who are making change on this planet. It was through this process and by fortune I was led to meet Guruji Mahendra Trivedi who I was destined to learn from.”
Guruji has the unique ability to harness the energy from the universe and transmit it to living organisms or non-living materials anywhere in the world. The energy performs intelligently and beneficially to the recipient’s unique needs. This phenomenon is called The Trivedi Effect®. Inthirani Arul saw his strong uniqueness with distinct credibility and was inspired and impressed with Guruji’s extensive testing of The Trivedi Effect® phenomenon in 4,000 scientific studies with world-renowned scientists and research institutes in human health and many other areas.

While searching her life purpose and seeking to build on her communication skills, confidence and a better quality of life for her and her son, Inthirani knew her life had a greater calling to help the masses.
After receiving her first Divine Energy Blessing from Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, Inthirani felt her calmness and saw her life improve remarkably.
Inthirani is recognized for her publication in peer-reviewed science journals where the test results of preclinical cell-based and mouse-model pre-clinical scientific experiments showed Inthirani’s ability to harness and transmit Life Force energy / Biofield energy / God's Grace / Divine energy. Furthermore, Inthirani respects that Guruji Mahendra Trivedi recommends that everyone follow their own beliefs and inner guidance.
DISCLAIMER: Inthirani Arul has not done any clinical trial that suggests any kind of results or benefits related to human health. No human health-related benefits have been scientifically validated, and Inthirani Arul does not give any guarantee to provide any kind of health benefits.
Inthirani believes that every person matters and when we elevate and grow ourselves we can live a fulfilled life and have the potential to leave an impact and imprint that can create an outcome in the life of humanity.